Friday, May 9, 2014

Class 6162: Week 1 Blog (Parts 1 & 2)

Wk. 1 Blog 6162        

Part 1: For this assignment, I appreciated attempting to reach out to other professionals in the Early Childhood field, who are international, through the sites The Global Alliance of NAEYC and UNICEF.  For example, I tried to contact someone for India, Rwanda, and others. I did find it a bit challenging, because even though I sent out many emails on two different days, I have not received any replies. I take into account that they are professionals and may be too busy to answer my emails at this time. I do hope that while I am enrolled in this course that someone will eventually answer my emails. In addition, some of the emails that I sent out -came back with the message: Delivery to following recipient failed –nevertheless, I tried other professionals. I even contacted some of the professional educators and the Head of Special Education Director, which I know, and asked did they know of any international educators but still have not heard back from them either. I attempted to access the World Forum link and the radio one too, that was provided, but could not get through to either website. Due to no replies and no access to the World Forum websites, unfortunately, I feel that I will have to do the alternative choice and listen to the podcasts.

Part 2: For this part of the assignment, I chose to learn more about something that I felt I could be passionate about because it is dedicated to helping children in the United States, as well as, around the entire world. It is the organization called Save the Children. I joined the newsletter and have already received the Welcome email letter. I enjoy this site because it keeps you up-to-date on issues that are going on around the world –dealing with children. They even cover the tragic news dealing with the girls who were taken from their school. I know I will enjoy studying and finding out more and more each week.


  1. Nakita,
    I had the same problem trying to connect with someone from both of the resources provided, I finally reached out to some of our classmates and Sherron responded and sit me an email address for Jamaica I have emailed them but I haven’t heard anything yet, I’m not want to put all my eggs in one basket so I also asked coworkers since I work in the early childhood profession if they knew of any early childhood professionals in any other countries; fortunately one of my coworkers is Japanese and she grew up in Japan and still has connections there. My coworker contacted one of the professors from the University of Japan and he said he would be delighted to help me out so I am when to email him today. I hope you are able to find someone that you can connect with cause it would be a fascinating experience instead of having to listen to the podcast. If I come across another connection from another country I will certainly pass it on to you.
    I can’t wait to hear about what you learn from the Save the Children organization, and our children do need saving. Great choice!

  2. Hi! Nakita, I also had the similar problem. I sent the message to professor and I was suggested to look for the alternative choice. I found out that even the alternative choice has the similar problem of not getting reply after emailing them. Even though as you said that professionals are busy and takes time to reply, hopefully you will get response soon. I also hope i will get response. I wish you all the best. Even though I am from Nepal but i dont know any early childhood professionals as this field is not much prevalent in my country. Good luck

  3. I enjoyed reading your post. I am still waiting to hear from other colleagues viewpoint about early childhood. I feel that this will be a learning experience for all of us. Im going to continue to contact them and you should try also. I also joined the Save the Children Organization. We can learn how to interact with the children and learn about upcoming event. I am excited about collaborating with you throughout this course.

  4. Nakita,
    I am excited as well to hear back from the professionals I have contacted. I am glad to be following your blog because I do look forward to learning about how other countries implement special education. What that looks like in preschool and school age. Very exciting. Thanks TIsha
